KlozUp is a multi-networking education program that enables non-face-to-face learning.When teachers and students access the study room, communication is possible through conversation and chat.[Teacher function]-You can create a study room by selecting the textbook for the course you want, and you can proceed with the class while viewing the pre-registered study materials with students.-The 3D character selected when creating the room will replace the teacher and can control various movements and expressions.-You can run prepared quizzes and increase student participation in class.[Student function]-You can access the room made by the teacher.-You can communicate your intentions through voice chat or chat.-By participating in the quiz, you can receive correct and incorrect feedback.Advantages and features of [KlozUp]-Not a camera method, but a 3D and icon method, so anyone can participate in the study room without reluctance to the camera.-The prepared learning materials double the interest of learning with multimedia contents that enable voice and interaction, not a simple document display method.-Prepared quiz materials increase student participation in learning, and can enjoy learning in the form of a fun confrontation.